Carson City Senior Center celebrates 50 years of the National Senior Nutrition Program
This March, the Carson City Senior Center joins the Administration for Community Living and senior nutrition service providers across the country to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the national Senior Nutrition Program.
Since 1972, the Senior Nutrition Program has supported nutrition services for older adults. Funded by the Older Americans Act, local senior nutrition programs serve as hubs for older adults (60 and older) to access nutritious meals and other vital services that strengthen social connections and promote health and well-being.
Senior nutrition is now more important than ever. Each year in the U.S., up to half of adults age 65 and older are at risk of malnutrition, and more than 10 million face hunger. In communities throughout the U.S. – including our own – older adults sometimes lack access to the high-quality, nutritious food they need to remain healthy and independent.
As part of the Senior Nutrition Program network, the Carson City Senior Center helps older adults in our community by promoting healthy eating, decreasing social isolation, and improving health. Our program also provides connections to home and community-based services that can support independence and overall well-being.
For 50 years, senior nutrition services have helped create healthy, strong communities where all members can flourish regardless of their age.
That’s why we proudly recognize this milestone anniversary of the national Senior Nutrition Program and its tremendous impact on the health and well-being of older adults in our community.
To celebrate this incredible milestone, the Carson City Senior Center is planning a variety of special events during lunch to commemorate the month. Events include burgers on the grill, ice cream socials, root beer float days, St. Patrick’s Day party, Pie on Pi Day, and invited guests.
The Carson City Senior Center invites new seniors to the area or seniors looking to connect to join them on Wednesday, March 30 at 10:30am for their Welcome Wednesday event for tours and an optional lunch. Please RSVP for Welcome Wednesday by calling (775) 883-0703.
Learn more about our program and services and how you can support senior nutrition. Visit carsoncityseniorcenter.org here or call (775) 883-0703.
Join us in celebrating our seniors, our program, and our community. Together, we look forward to another 50 years and beyond!
Carson City Senior Center staff, volunteers receive proclamation from Mayor Lori Bagwell and the Carson City Board of Supervisors.
About Carson City Senior Center
The mission of the Carson City Senior Center is to enhance the quality of life and independence of seniors. Through congregate dining and Meals on Wheels, the Carson City Senior Center serves hundreds of local seniors. The Center also provides health and fitness education and activities, craft and hobby groups, card and board games and many other services including help with prescriptions, durable medical equipment, tax preparation and many others.