The facility is NOT available for weekend reservations and for groups larger than 100. All secondary use reservations must exit the building no later than 9pm.
The Carson City Senior Citizens Center (CCSCC), a non-profit organization, is committed to providing room reservations and meeting space for its general use and for the public.
Facility Usage
CCSCC is generally free and open to the senior public for general use. The use of the facility by non-CCSCC sponsored activities will be considered secondary to the general use. Secondary use will not hamper the general use. Requests for reservations may be approved by the Director on a case-by-case basis. Certain facility areas are restricted and unavailable for reservations, including the commercial kitchen, Sagebrush dining room, Lapidary (rock-cutting lab), Gift Shop, and Library. Special exceptions may be approved by the Director on a case-by-case basis.
Fee Schedule
- Nevada Room: $50/per hour
- All other smaller rooms and lobby: $25/per hour
- Contractor rate (contractor/CCSCC): 70%/30% split
Reservation Fee Waivers
Reservation fees will be charged by CCSCC for the use of its facilities, unless classified as a CCSCC sponsored activity. The Director may waive reservation fees for non-sponsored activities which benefit the overall community or for non-profit organizations. A donation to Meals on Wheels, participation and/or support for CCSCC’s fundraising efforts is requested by all who receive a waived fee. Fees will not be waived for activities that are intended to benefit a for-profit organization or private individual(s). Waivers are subject to change at any time.
Insurance Requirements
High-risk activities will require liability insurance. Carson City Senior Citizens Center AND Carson City must be named as an additional insured. CCSCC sponsored activities and/or low-risk activities will not require insurance. CCSCC will provide guidance on insurance review for exceptions or clarifications needed on insurance requirements.
High-Risk Activities such as:
- Exercise, dance, activities requiring equipment (including contractors).
- Has alcohol.
- Has over 100 participants.
- Open to the public.
- Activities determined by the Director upon review of reservation request as involving high-risk.
- Service Providers.
Low-Risk Activities such as:
Business meetings.
Card games.
Support Groups.
Social Clubs.
Arts & Crafts.
CCSCC volunteer led activities.
Cancellation of Room Reservation
CCSCC prioritizes room reservations for its general use. Secondary room reservations will be cancelled should a request for general use prioritize the reserved space. Activities that are disruptive or damaging to the general use of the facility, require more staff support beyond normal expectations or beyond normal business hours, and/or fail to provide insurance (if requested) may be cancelled at the discretion of the Director. Reservations for activities that falsify information on the application will be denied/cancelled. CCSCC reserves the right to cancel or change room reservations in inclement weather, acts of God, or other unforeseen circumstances and situations where the room will be unavailable for any length of time.
Click here for the Room Reservation Application
Send completed applications to: cwarner@carson.org. Please allow two weeks for processing.
The facility is NOT AVAILABLE for weekend (Saturday or Sunday) reservations.